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Procedure for obtaining permission to photograph at the Western Wall Complex


1.1. In accordance with the decisions of the Government of Israel, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation (hereinafter referred to as “the Foundation”) is responsible for all matters concerning the Western Wall, including the management of the Western Wall Complex.

1.2. The purpose of this procedure is to regulate the process of obtaining authorization for photography at the Western Wall Complex in accordance with the Regulations for the Protection of Holy Places for Jews, 5741-1981 (hereinafter referred to as “the Regulations”).

1.3. The Minister of Religious Services delegates the authority to grant permission as stated to the Rabbi of the Western Wall, who serves as the Chairman of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, according to the attached authorization letter as Appendix A to this procedure.

Definitions and Terminology

2.1. “Western Wall Complex” or “the Western Wall Complex” – all the sites under the responsibility of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation, including the Upper Western Wall Plaza, the Prayer Plaza, the Western Wall Tunnels Complex, Straus House, and the Western Wall Heritage Center, including balconies and/or roofs and/or plazas of all the aforementioned sites, according to the map attached as Appendix C to this procedure.

2.2. “Photography” – the process of capturing any type of documentation, including still photography, video, 360-degree photography, aerial photography using drones and/or aircraft, and three-dimensional scanning, using equipment of any kind (cameras and/or scanners and/or photography accessories and/or devices), including any existing or future technology, for any purpose.

Procedure for submitting a photography request

3.1. Those interested in obtaining permission to photograph at the Western Wall will be required to submit a request at least 48 hours in advance, subject to the provisions of this procedure, unless exceptional cases are privately approved by the Foundation.

3.2. The request will be submitted through the Foundation’s website at: and will include the following details:

3.2.1. A request form for obtaining permission to photograph at the Western Wall Complex, as attached in Appendix B, completed and signed by the applicant.

3.2.2. Presentation of a statement of intentions regarding the photography purposes.

3.2.3. A list of equipment and means for conducting the photography.

3.2.4. In the case of photography for cinema and/or television purposes, a summary in writing of the full movie, as well as a script in writing of the planned photography at the Western Wall.

3.2.5. Any additional information requested by the Foundation.

3.3. The request will be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of this procedure by the Foundation.

Conditions for approval of a request

4.1. Photography is not planned to be carried out on Saturdays or Jewish holidays.

4.2. The photography for which the request is submitted is not for commercial purposes and/or for purposes that are inconsistent with the nature of the site and/or disrupt public order and/or violate the privacy of individuals in the Western Wall Complex.

4.3. The photography for which the request is submitted has obtained the required approvals and/or permits for conducting the photography (as necessary).

Mandatory instructions for photography at the Western Wall Complex

Without prejudice to any other instruction or guidance provided by the Foundation to the applicant upon approval, photography at the Western Wall Complex shall be conducted subject to the following instructions:

5.1. News photography will only be permitted in the upper Western Wall Plaza (and not in the Prayer Plaza), except in cases of photography for events or visits taking place in the Prayer Plaza (such as Selichot, Priestly Blessing, Jerusalem Day, official visits, etc.), unless explicitly stated otherwise in the photography approval.

5.2. Photography for cinema and/or television purposes will only be permitted in the upper Western Wall Plaza (and not in the Prayer Plaza), unless explicitly stated otherwise in the photography approval.

5.3. No filming of any kind shall be conducted in the Western Wall Complex by actors, and no filming involving costumes and/or external filming equipment (such as tables, chairs, etc.) shall be allowed.

5.4. Photography at the Western Wall Complex shall be conducted using a single shoulder-mounted camera, unless explicitly stated otherwise in the photography approval. Filming from scaffolding or any other means in the Western Wall Complex (such as lighting stands, speakers, sound boxes, etc.) shall not be permitted.

5.5. Interviews shall not be conducted at the Western Wall Complex, unless otherwise stated in the photography approval and in designated areas defined by the Foundation representative.

5.6. Faces of worshippers shall not be photographed, and close-ups of worshippers shall not be taken without their consent.

5.7. Male crew members shall not enter the women’s section or vice versa.

5.8. Approval shall not be granted for a filming crew consisting of more than 4 individuals, except in special cases.

5.9. No production setup shall be established in the Western Wall Plaza, with all that implies.

5.10. Filming in the Prayer Plaza shall be accompanied, if necessary, by a representative of the Foundation.

5.11. The approval is specifically for visual photography as indicated on the approval itself and in accordance with the guidelines and instructions detailed above.

Responsibilities and Limitations

6.1. The applicant undertakes to comply with the instructions of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation representatives and ushers.

6.2. The applicant must maintain order and refrain from disturbing the worshipers and/or visitors at the Western Wall complex.

6.3. The applicant shall bear full responsibility for any damage of any kind caused by him and/or by anyone on his behalf to the Western Wall complex and/or its facilities and/or the Foundation and/or a third party. The applicant must compensate the Foundation and/or a third party for any claim and/or demand and/or allegation regarding the aforementioned damage.

6.4. The applicant must respect the privacy of visitors to the Western Wall complex in accordance with the law and assume full responsibility for it.

6.5. The applicant exempts the Foundation in advance from any liability for damage and/or infringement of privacy and/or any other violation that may be caused to him and/or to

anyone on his behalf and/or to any third party in the context of filming at the Western Wall complex.

Exemption from Obtaining Filming Approval

7.1. Filming of a private individual visiting the Western Wall complex for non-commercial and/or profit-making purposes does not require approval according to this procedure.

7.2. Filming for news purposes by a holder of a valid official press card can be conducted without submitting a prior request according to this procedure, subject to presenting the card to the Foundation representative as stated.

7.3. In any case of doubt regarding the necessity of obtaining approval for filming, it is recommended to contact the Foundation in advance via email at: [email protected] for guidance.

7.4. Without detracting from the above, it is emphasized that the provisions of this procedure, in all its clauses, shall also apply to filming that does not require approval according to this procedure, with the necessary modifications, with an emphasis on preserving the privacy of visitors to the complex and the sanctity of the Western Wall.


8.1. In cases where it is discovered that the information provided by the applicant for the purpose of approval under this procedure is partial, incorrect, misleading, or that the applicant acted contrary to the provisions of this procedure, the Foundation shall have the right to cancel the filming approval without prior notice. In such cases, the holder of the filming approval shall immediately refrain from any further filming and shall hand over any materials photographed by him to the Foundation upon its first request. This shall not detract from the authority of the Foundation and/or the State of Israel to take action against the applicant in accordance with regulations and/or any other law.

8.2. The Foundation reserves the right not to approve a request or to partially approve it, even if it meets the conditions specified above, at its discretion, for reasons related to maintaining the spirit and regulations of the Western Wall.

8.3. The Foundation reserves the right to change the terms of this procedure from time to time and notice of such changes will be published on the Foundation’s website.


9.1. The responsibility for implementing this procedure lies with the spokesperson and the explanation, as well as with any personnel in the Foundation resulting from this procedure.

9.2. The person responsible for updating the procedure and ensuring its compliance with the needs of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation shall be the responsible for the Foundation’s Spokesmanship and Communications Department.

Effectiveness and Validity

10.1. This procedure is effective upon its publication.

10.2. The provisions of this procedure shall be communicated to all entities requesting approval for filming in the Western Wall area.

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The Western Wall Prayer Plaza is open every day of the year, twenty-four hours a day


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