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Bar Mitzvah FAQ

Q:  Who runs the ceremony? What qualifications does he have?

A: Our guides have all undergone careful selection, specialized training and qualification by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation. All our guides are trained in leading prayers and in helping create a festive and joyful atmosphere. Our guides are familiar with the proper Torah reading װtropױ (notes) and can assist in the Torah reading as needed. In addition to helping run the ceremony, the guide will also assist you in all logistics such as finding a table in the Kotel area, bringing a Torah scroll and prayer books, and the like.

Q:  Can we incorporate personal greetings and comments into the ceremony?

A: Absolutely!! Personal greetings and blessings can be included in the ceremony with the help of your guide who will indicate to you the proper time and place for such by maintaining appropriate limitations of modesty as is warranted at this holy site.

Q: What do you suggest that we do before or after the ceremony? What tours or activities do you suggest?

A: The Western Wall Heritage Foundation has a wide variety of activities (for a fee) that can be incorporated either before or after the ceremony at the Kotel. Among these activities are:

  •  The ׂQuill of the Heart׃ ׀ an encounter with an ancient tradition of Jewish scribes, writing Torah scrolls, phylacteries (tױfillin) and mezuzot), in one of the beautiful halls located in the Kotel Tunnels. click here 

  •  ׂYoung Guides׃ – a tour of the Kotel Tunnels or the Chain of Generations Center led by the Bar Mitzvah boy himself (requires registration and training 6-8 weeks in advance ׀ for more information click here

  •  Family tour in one of the Kotelױs tourist sites ׀ the Tunnels, the Chain of Generations Center, or Behind the Scenes, led by one of the Foundationױs guides. click here

  •  A Bar Mitzvah family tour in the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem, led by one of the Foundationױs guides. click here

Q:  What other services do you offer for the celebrating families?

A: The Foundationױs Bar Mitzvah family package coordinator would be happy to assist you in any ancillary services to your event, from beginning to end, including organizing transportation, the familyױs procession to the Kotel, restaurants, halls, etc. For details call *5958.

Q:  What souvenir does the Bar Mitzvah boy get after the ceremony?

A: Every Bar Mitzvah boy receives a decorative certificate with his name and the date of his Bar Mitzvah. The certificate is signed by the Rabbi of the Kotel and can be framed for a memento that will last forever.

Q:  What do we need to bring with us for the ceremony?

A: You should bring the tallit (prayer shawl) and tױfillin (phylacteries) you bought for the Bar Mitzvah boy. We also suggest that you bring a sufficient amount of (soft) candies that guests can throw towards the Bar Mitzvah boy during the ceremony.

Q:  What is the procedure for bringing a Torah scroll to the Kotel?

A: It is forbidden to bring a personal Torah scroll to the Kotel.

Q:  Do you also give Bar Mitzvah preparatory lessons?

A: Definitely. The Western Wall Heritage Foundation has a special program in Israel that prepares young boys for their Bar Mitzvah. Lessons take place in the city where the boy lives and are given by teachers who are especially trained for this. The program is subsidized and requires advanced registration. For further details and registration, see click here.

Q:  Is it customary to give a tip to the guide or a donation to the Foundation?

A: The Foundationױs guides work on salary and they are forbidden to accept tips. Any family interested in making a donation to the Western Wall Heritage Foundation is welcome to leave their donation at the Bar Mitzvah stand located at the entrance to the menױs prayer section.

Q:  Is there a limit to the number of people we can invite to attend our Bar Mitzvah celebration at the Kotel?

A: There is no limit to the number of people who can attend the ceremony at the Kotel. However, some of the tours and activities we offer are limited to a group of 35 people. If there are more people in the group, they can be divided into several groups.

Q:  What happens when we arrive at the Western Wall? Where do we meet the guide?

A: The Bar Mitzvah ceremonyױs stand is located immediately after the security check gate adjacent to Dung Gate. Two National Service volunteers are there whose job it is to introduce your group to the guide who will accompany you throughout the ceremony.

Q:  Can we photograph and video at the Western Wall?

A: Yes, videos and photographs can be taken at the Western Wall. There is also the option for the Western Wall Heritage Foundation to photograph the Bar Mitzvah boy and to upload his picture onto our website, with the familyױs approval, of course.

הכל כאן

Shuttles on the day of the bar mitzvah

Guidelines for Behavior at the Western Wall

The Western Wall is a sacred site. Therefore, we request that you abide by the guidelines for behavior when visiting the Western Wall complex.

Young Guides

madricim tzerim

In honor of your Bar Mitzvah, give your family a special gift – a tour of the Western Wall Tunnels or the Chain of Generations Center, led by…you!


נא בדוק את החיבור שלך לאינטרנט


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Amis et frères juifs résidents en France vivants en ces derniers temps des jours compliqués de violence et de saccages , nous vous invitons à formuler ici vos prières qui seront imprimés et déposées entre les prières du Mur des lamentations .