Western Wall tunnels- The Great Stone Route

A journey through time to the depths of the history of the Jerusalem

Western Wall tunnels- The Great Stone Route

The Western Wall of the Temple Mount (also known as the “Jerusalem Wall”) is one of the most magnificent and significant remnants in Jerusalem from the days of the Second Temple, destroyed approximately 2,000 years ago.
The Western Wall stretches along almost half a kilometer, but today, the part visible to all at the Western Wall Plaza is a mere 70 meters of it. The tour of the Western Wall Tunnels allows visitors to reach the segments of the Wall hidden from view, and to touch the original and special western wall stones that tell the story of the Jewish nation. Visitors to the Western Wall Tunnels walk through ancient and fascinating subterranean spaces with exquisite archeological findings, such as large stone arches, water pits, an ancient water aqueduct that ends at the Strouthion Pool, and more.
The tour of the Tunnels includes innovative virtual models. It is considered an international attraction and is one of the must-see sites in the city of Jerusalem.

The number of visitors on each tour of the Western Wall tunnels are up to 35 participants in a guided group. The minimum number of visitors for an independent group is 18 people. The tours will take place for a fee and by prior arrangement only. 

Sunday – Thursday: 7:20am until late at night
Friday: 7:20am – 12pm
Saturday Evening: Based on reservation

Call Center

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation’s call center for booking tours to the Western Wall sites and around Jerusalem is open
Sunday-Thursday 8:30am - 5:00pm
We look forward to serving you
Call: 972-2-627-1333

הפקות בר המצווה

Admission Prices

Tour with Local Guide

Adult: 38 NIS
Child(5 – 18)  / Security Personnel / Students / People with Disabilities (with ID): 25 NIS;
Senior Citizens: 25 NIS

Admission includes entry to site and guided tour of an hour and 10 minutesTouring the site is possible only when accompanied by a certified guide.


Western Wall tunnels- The Great Stone Route

The Western Wall Tunnels, a ‘time tunnel’ to ancient Jerusalem, expose the visitor to construction, sites, and artifacts that shed light on life in this special city during its most glamorous era, the Second Temple period.

A tour of the Tunnels unveils hidden sections of the Western Wall. It moves through underground passages, mikves and ancient water trenches, streets from the Second Temple era, a quarry used to excavate stones for the Kotel and more. The Western Wall’s enormous courses of stone are revealed in full size and magnitude, telling us about the architecture and building practices of different historical eras.

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