Respectful Conduct at The Western Wall
Do not eat
Do not smoke
Do not light candles
Dress appropriately
Torah scrolls may not be brought in to the Western Wall Plaza.
On Sabbath and Jewish Holidays
Do not use electronic devices
Do not use amplification systems
Do not take pictures
Do not write
The following cannot be brought into the Western Wall complex:
Items prohibited to bring into the Western Wall Plaza.
- Sharp tools, including tools of a Mohel for a Brit Milah
- Amplification systems unless accompanied by a Western Wall Heritage Foundation usher.
- Balloons or other pyrotechnics.
- Shofar (other than during the month of Elul and Aseret Yemei Teshuva).
- Musical instruments.
- Alcohol.
- Doves to be released.
- Equipment for event production.
- Any kind of signs.
- Animals, other than guide dogs.