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Additional Events and Programs by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation 

Slichot Tours

Elul month tours at the Western Wall

The days of compassion and repentance invite us to stop the daily rush of life and listen to ourselves.  We invite you to join exciting and experiential tours among the stone houses and magical alleys of the Old City.  Together, we will hear the stories of special personalities who worked in the city and through them, we will become familiar with ourselves. The tours are guided by the best guides of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation and end with reciting slichot in the largest synagogue in the world – the Western Wall. During the tour, we will be accompanied by a musician whose tunes will envelope us with the special ambience of the days when slichot liturgy wafts through the air.  The tour can also include a street actor playing one of the characters.  The program includes distribution of slichot booklets, a lecture, and arrival at the Western Wall.

Duration: about 4-6 hours

University Students - Weekend Seminars

We hold unique weekend seminars for university students on topics of Jewish heritage and identity.

 The program leaves a strong impact on the students and deepens their connection with Jewish heritage and identity. The program includes: room and board, guiding, education program and entrance to sites.

Evening Seminars – Continued contact

Students who had already experienced a seminar with us are invited to a follow-up seminar focused on significant milestones throughout the year and further discussions on Jewish heritage and identity. The evening seminar includes: tour, workshop, entrance to sites, food, transportation and guiding.

Elul Seminar

A unique follow-up project for students

As a summary of a year ending and a look ahead to the new year, students who already experienced a seminar with us are invited to a unique follow-up project focused on the days of Slichot (penitence).  During the most significant days of the year, students will spend days delving into profound ideas. The program includes: room and board, transportation, guiding, entertainers, lectures, and more.

Upsherin (Chalakeh)

Celebrating chalakeh at the Western Wall

The Western Wall Heritage Foundation invites parents of three-year-olds to celebrate their son’s chalakeh / upsherin at the Kotel.  The program includes a special ceremony to celebrate this first haircut during which a symbolic cut is made.  This a joyous occasion full of blessing for the entire family, made more powerful by the sacred atmosphere of the Kotel.  An unforgettable experience for the parents, child, and the entire family.  

This is a free service

Arrival time must be arranged in advance

The ceremony will be run by Western Wall Heritage Foundation professional who will meet the family at the Kotel entrance and accompany you throughout the event. 

The ceremony is about 45 minutes long and geared to the child’s age.

At the end of the ceremony the child receives a festive certificate as a souvenir of the occasion with a see-through pocket holding the cut hair.

Make A Wish Ambulance

A special project of the Western Wall Heritage Foundation

One of the most important projects the Western Wall Heritage Foundation is privileged to take part in is helping terminal patients whose last request is to come to the Kotel.  It is our privilege and obligation to help any person, especially those facing illness, access the remnant of our Temple, to pray near the ancient stones and draw consolation from them. 

We work on this project with Magen David Adom to bring the patient with family members, a medical staff and essential medical equipment. 

The program at the Kotel includes:

Being greeted and accompanied personally throughout the visit
A gift of the book of Psalms
A visit to the Kotel sites based on family’s request
Photographer for stills and option of video
Sending the photos to the visitor and family including select photos in specially-designed frames. 

Bar/Bat Mitzvah for Holocaust Survivors

Celebrate a bar / bat mitzvah in the holiest place and fulfill an old dream

For those who missed celebrating their bar/bat mitzvah during the horrors of the Holocaust, the Western Wall Heritage Foundation has taken upon itself to organize a unique bar/bat mitzvah celebration at the Western Wall.  Each event includes approx. 30 survivors, with about 100 participants per event.
The program includes:

  •       A tour of the Chain of Generations Center
  •       A festive tefillin ceremony with IDF soldiers
  •       A bat mitzvah ceremony with a musician and cantor
  •       A prayer and aliya la’Torah with bar mitzvah guides
  •       A festive meal in a hall with accompanying musician
  •       Beautiful personalized certificate gifted to each participant


Preparation for the Poland trip

Next Year in Jerusalem

This unique program is geared to participants in the trip to Poland and was developed by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation along with the Poland branch of the Ministry of Education. The program touches upon the generational connection between destroyed communities of Europe and the yearning for Jerusalem throughout the generations. The program includes touring around Jerusalem and the Old City, entrance to sites, and a summary discussion that culminates in the arrival at the Western Wall.

נא בדוק את החיבור שלך לאינטרנט


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