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Bar Mitzvah FAQ

Who runs the ceremony? What qualifications does he have?

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Who runs the ceremony? What qualifications does he have?

Q:  Who runs the ceremony? What qualifications does he have?

A: Our guides have all undergone careful selection, specialized training and qualification by the Western Wall Heritage Foundation. All our guides are trained in leading prayers and in helping create a festive and joyful atmosphere. Our guides are familiar with the proper Torah reading װtropױ (notes) and can assist in the Torah reading as needed. In addition to helping run the ceremony, the guide will also assist you in all logistics such as finding a table in the Kotel area, bringing a Torah scroll and prayer books, and the like.

Table of Contents

Bar Mitzvah FAQ

Bar Mitzvah Production


Shuttles on the day of the bar mitzvah

Young Guides

madricim tzerim

In honor of your Bar Mitzvah, give your family a special gift – a tour of the Western Wall Tunnels or the Chain of Generations Center, led by…you!

נא בדוק את החיבור שלך לאינטרנט


Amis et frères juifs résidents en France vivants en ces derniers temps des jours compliqués de violence et de saccages , nous vous invitons à formuler ici vos prières qui seront imprimés et déposées entre les prières du Mur des lamentations .