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The last dream of Yosef Guedalia, a Duvdevan soldier who fell in battle

Yosef Malachi Guedalia, HY”D
Born: 1st of Tevet, 5761 (December 26, 2000)
Fell: 22nd of Tishrei, 5784 (October 7, 2023)

Yosef was born and lived in Beit Shemesh, where he was educated at the “Ahavat Yisrael” elementary school. In high school, he studied at the “Horev” Yeshiva in Jerusalem.
Before enlisting, he attended the “Eli” preparatory program, and then joined the Duvdevan Unit. Due to his strong desire to serve as much as possible, he signed on to continue his service (keva) in the drone unit.

His parents recount that Yosef was a humble and quiet child, a child who brought light and joy into the home, a leader with amazing talents who also knew how to learn from others.

About a year and a half ago, he married Sinai, a new immigrant from Boston, and was so proud of her Aliyah to Israel. During one of their visits while gazing at the Western Wall, Yosef and Sinai decided to get married and establish a home in Israel.

His Connection to the Western Wall
Yosef had a special connection with the Western Wall. The Guedalia family recounts that they used to make a pilgrimage on foot to the Western Wall every holiday, actually on foot – a 40-kilometer walk. From the age of 10, Yosef would walk to Jerusalem from his home in Beit Shemesh and loved the tradition. Even during his military service in the Duvdevan Unit, when he was on leave, he would come to pray at the Western Wall.
In his memory, the family made the pilgrimage to the Western Wall during this past Passover holiday with about 150 friends, acquaintances, and family members. They also plan to continue making the pilgrimage in his memory.

On the evening of Simchat Torah, in their last conversation with his brother, the brothers talked about redemption and the building of the Temple.
On the morning of Simchat Torah, as they were preparing for the family holiday prayer, Yosef left the service and went south. He bravely and boldly fought in Kfar Aza against terrorists for several hours and saved many lives. Unfortunately, Yosef was killed in the youth neighborhood in Kfar Aza by an RPG, grenades, and gunfire shot by terrorists. At the age of 22, he left behind parents, 6 siblings, and his wife.
May his memory be a blessing.

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